In 2021 the Vale of White Horse District Council allocated funds to East Challow Parish Council (ECPC) for a Public Art project. The project is being funded from S106 money released by the development of land at Park Farm East Challow. After a consultation period it was decided to erect a piece of art that will feature a local artists impression of East Challow through the ages. The art will be located on the grass area between the A417 and Hedge Hill Road. It is thought that by emphasising that East Challow is a village, traffic speeds may be reduced. The new piece of art will be known as Public Art in Hedge Hill Road.
The image was approved by ECPC at the September 2023 Parish Council Meeting an details: prominent historical buildings, the village green and water pump, Wilts and Berks canal, ridge and furrowed contours on fields, and the windmill represents Windmill Hill. The image will be carved in wood on both sides in relief style. The image will be painted with the frame left unfinished.
In addition ECPC is liaising with St Nicholas C of E Primary School to prepare a time capsule to be buried in the foundations.
A planning application for the art was approved by the Vale on 29 May 2024.
Currently ECPC are seeking further money from the S106 project fund.
We want to know more about the litter that community litter pickers collect so we can target the worst areas and keep them cleaner for longer. If you do litter picking then it would be great if you could help us. We have an easy-to-follow record sheet to document the location and type of litter. This will go into our litter mapping project. Or you can use our online survey while you are on the litter pick (details at the bottom of the page).
What you will need to take part
Ideally each survey should take place over a one hour period (although this can be divided up into shorter times if done in the same week)
To contact our waste contractor Biffa please call 03000 610610.
When you have finished your litter pick
Please make sure that you send your information to us
You can use the digital questionnaire using the link below
Or send by post to
South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Council Waste Team, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4SB
Any queries please contact us at with the subject ‘Litter mapping Project’
Contact us - Waste team
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)
Citizens Advice Oxfordshire South and Vale has issued a press release providing tips for handling the cost of living crisis.