Scenes around East Challow
Scenes around East Challow
East Challow Parish Council
East Challow Parish Council

Burial Grounds in East Challow

The Parish Council manages two burial grounds in East Challow; Vicarage Hill cemetery and Canal Way cemetery (known locally as the New Cemetery).

Reluctantly, due to lack of space, East Challow Parish Council now only accepts burial of residents. Consideration will be given to burial of those with a strong local connection on an individual basis. Please contact the Clerk.

Burial Fees
Burial fees 2025-26.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [130.5 KB]
Cemetery Regulations
Adopted by the Council March 2021
2103 cemetery regulations.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [142.1 KB]

Contact us:

East Challow Parish Council

07774 405 472


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© East Challow Parish Council